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Bigmomma and Mason Family

15 Easy Ways to Discover Your

 Gifts and Talents

Do you know without a doubt what your gifts, talents and passions are? My grandmother, Ruby Lee, affectionately known as Bigmomma, told me that everyone is born with gifts and talents. My grandmother was a remarkable woman.

She was strong, resilient and wise beyond her level of formal education. In her lifetime she picked cotton, cleaned houses, raised six healthy, productive children, and married three times. 

Her home was the hub for family gatherings. The family gatherings were open to neighbors and friends. At the gatherings, I vividly remember Bigmomma spreading words of encouragement.  She generously gave advice to those who were seeking it.

My sisters and I would spend summers with my grandmother. We would watch our favorite television shows, The Wizards of Oz and The Facts of Life.  At the end of each show, there was laughter and good conversation. 

Black lady sits in chair hand on chin in white dress black and white photo

We had good conversations and lots of laughs in Bigmomma’s  1972 Chevy Impala.  The car didn’t have air. On hot summer days, we would pile in the car for a ride to the grocery store. Her favorite treat was  Butter Pecan ice cream.  

There was always a neighbor,  friend or relative in the ice cream aisle. I remember listening to many adult conversations in the ice cream aisle. The rhythm of their words would fall on my ears. Their words put me in a relaxed state.

Every morning after a relaxing night of sleep, Big momma cooked breakfast.  She served eggs, bacon and toast. We were allowed a sip of coffee. She used the coffee grinds to read our fortunes.   It is kinda like reading tea leaves. Morning breakfast was full of good conversation. We talked about the past, present and future. I remember her telling us why she fell in love with granddaddy.  It was his shoes.  She said his shoes were shiny and black.

During the mornings we talked in great detail about the day. Where we would go. Who we would visit. What we would wear, especially on Sundays. Sunday was church day. My grandmother’s conversation with her friends before and after church service was fascinating. Listening to their conversations and listening to the pastor’s  words left me feeling full and satisfied. Except for my longing to know my gift and talents.

Growing up my sisters and cousins all had apparent gifts. They could draw, dance, sing and or play an instrument. I could not and cannot draw. I had zero rhythm as a child. Now I have a decent amount. I can hold my own on the dance floor. Musical instruments, I still can’t play any. 

During summer visits with my grandmother, I would tell her, I don’t have any gifts or talents. She told me everyone does. Pray and God will reveal them to you. At that time, I was about ten or eleven so I did exactly what she said.  I prayed. 


Two black ladies in heavy coats standing outside after snowstorm black and white photo

Finding your gifts and talents has an amazing effect on your life. Imagine walking into any situation knowing exactly what your talents are. As you experience life,  your interests and strengths may change. Remember to give your present self a chance to find your current gifts and talents. Be open to who you are now!

 Tips to Help You Find Your Gifts and Talents

  • Like Bigmomma said, pray! Ask God or your higher being to reveal your gifts and talents.
  • Think about your family. What gifts do your grandparents, parents and siblings have? Research family history to identify gifts and talents you share with your family.
  • Find out what inspires you. How do you spend your free time? What are your hobbies? What do you wish for? In what areas do you receive compliments and recognition from family, friends and co-workers?
  • What is important to you about life? When you think about the different areas of life (like health, career, family, relationship, personal development, spirituality/religion, recreation), make a list of all the things that are important to you.
  • Notice when you lose track of time doing something you love. Think of what you would love to do but never have enough time to do.
People who know strength 8% more productive
  • Recognize your patterns.  The human brain loves patterns.  Patterns can provide a clue to what your gifts and talents are.
  • Shift your mindset.  Be open to positivity and possibility.  Be open to adventure.
  • Determine your top need for happiness.  The six needs human beings have are certainty, significance, growth and competition,  variety and love and acceptance.
  • Find what makes you feel strong. Notice when you feel strongest.  Create opportunities to make you feel strong.
  • What do you spend money on? When you follow the green you discover what you value.  Chances are you may be good at what you value.
people who use strength 3x more likely to report excellent quality of life
  • Ask friends what your best qualities are. Use your friends’ insights to help you discover your gifts and talents
  • Be inspired by others. Sometimes being inspired by others’ talents help you see what gifts and talents you have.
  • Write in a journal.  Use your journal to write your strengths and set new goals.
  • Look at the books, movies and music you choose.  There is probably something in your collections that shows your hidden talents or gifts.
  • Remember what you have been thanked for. When you have been helpful, people say thank you.  Notice what you are thanked for on the regular.  This may reveal your gifts and talents.